My sculpture is made to mimic the rustic appearance of a weathered stone castle. I wanted it to be made up of smaller stone bricks to male a larger structure. My inspiration was from the density and strength the foam takes on when plaster is applied. I was also inspired by the ancient stone structures littered throughout scotland. to begin with I took the larger piece of foam and chopped it into smaller and non uniform pieces, removing sharp edges and corners and allowing the bricks to vary in shape and size. From there I applied plaster to each brick one at a time and added it to the larger structure like you would a building. Once the bricks were all laid down I used a brush and stippled along the faces of the bricks to emphasize the natural peaks and texture of the plaster to give it a more rough stone or concrete appearance. As a viewer sees this piece, I hope they can almost imagine a practical use for the structure, taking the role of a fortress or some other ancient building.
Art of Taylor Hillyard
Monday, February 20, 2023
Monday, December 12, 2022
Cabinet of Curiosity
The Dragons: air dry clay, inks, acrylic paint, epoxy putty, wire, paper, foam board
(14in x 16 x 8in)
The concept for this sculpture was influenced by "the dragon", a writing about a collection of obscure taxidermy creatures. The work consists of two sculptures intended to reflect on the variety of odd creatures contained in the collection, by creating freaks of nature with a variety of animal features that don't typically go together. For the top sculpture the goal was to give more of a patchwork style to the features, complete with mix-matched parts, stitches, and scratches and tears along the skin of the dragon. The bottom sculpture combined features in such a way that it comes off as a more believable, yet still outlandish creature. The intent of the piece was to create a sense of interest and hopefully a form of disgust through freakish creatures that look mashed together.
Figurative Busts Sculptures
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Experimental Sculpture Collection
Sharp noggin: wood, ink, masking tape, wood glue, metal pins (4in x 6in x 5in)
gateway: wood, masking tape, paper, wood glue (4in x 2in 6in)
Foam and plaster sculpture
My sculpture is made to mimic the rustic appearance of a weathered stone castle. I wanted it to be made up of smaller stone bricks to...

- 1. constructed realities. 2. audience interpretatio...
The Dragons: air dry clay, inks, acrylic paint, epoxy putty, wire, paper, foa...
1. clay dinosaur: I made it over the summer to practice sculpting. 2. woody figure: I bought it at Disney World because it reminds me of m...