Monday, December 12, 2022

Cabinet of Curiosity


The Dragons: air dry clay, inks, acrylic paint, epoxy putty, wire, paper, foam board

(14in x 16 x 8in)

    The concept for this sculpture was influenced by "the dragon", a writing about a collection of obscure taxidermy creatures. The work consists of two sculptures intended to reflect on the variety of odd creatures contained in the collection, by creating freaks of nature with a variety of animal features that don't typically go together. For the top sculpture the goal was to give more of a patchwork style to the features, complete with mix-matched parts, stitches, and scratches and tears along the skin of the dragon. The bottom sculpture combined features in such a way that it comes off as a more believable, yet still outlandish creature. The intent of the piece was to create a sense of interest and hopefully a form of disgust through freakish creatures that look mashed together.  



Camping Trips: cloth, wood, yellow paint (3in x 5in x 1.5in)
The sculpture represents camping trips I would take with my grandfather, the bottom half mimicking a campfire and the top half a tent. 
The wood represent the rustic feelings of going out camping, as well as the crafts we would do outside during these moments. The cloth represents the softness of the memory, as I cherish the moments spent with my grandfather. the yellow of the paint represents the warmth of both the fire as well as the memory.

Figurative Busts Sculptures

Oilspill and Burnout: 
Air dry clay, acrylic paint, wood, ink, PLA printing plastic
(left sculpture) 10in x 3in x 5in
(right sculpture) 3in x 6in 6in
The sculpture on the left, titled "burnout" reflects the burnout caused by college classes
The sculpture on the right, titled "oilspill" relects the the destruction on the enviornment by corrupt oil companies.

The sculpture on the left was inspired by 3D printer failures, where the layers shift to the side before creating a mass of molten plastic

the sculpture on the right was based off of how oil spills appear overtop of water, like it does when oil spills into the ocean

the right bust was based off of a stereotypical businessman, leaking oil from his eyes and mouth to represent the destruction they cause.


Sunday, December 11, 2022

Experimental Sculpture Collection

Ramshackle: wood, ink, masking tape, metal pins (2in x 3in x 6in)

Sharp noggin: wood, ink, masking tape, wood glue, metal pins (4in x 6in x 5in)

gateway: wood, masking tape, paper, wood glue (4in x 2in 6in)

Water Fountain Replica


Crisp Ellert Gallery Artists Talks


Photo taken during the talk M. Florine Demosthene

photo from the talk by Erin Kendrick

Foam and plaster sculpture

       My sculpture is made to mimic the rustic appearance of a weathered stone castle. I wanted it to be made up of smaller stone bricks to...